Limbu People

The Limbu (exonym) or Yakthung (endonym) are a Sino-Tibetan indigenous tribe (Bhot-Burmeli) of the Himalayan region of eastern Nepal, Sikkim, and western Bhutan.

The original name of the Limbu is Yakthung or Yakthum. Limbu males are called Yakthungba or Yakthumba and Limbu females are called “Yakthumma” or “Yakthungma”. Ancient texts state that “Yakthung” or “Yakthum” is a derivative of Yaksha and some interpret its meaning as the “Yaksha winner”. In the Limbu language it means “heroes of the hills” (Yak – hills, thung or thum – heroes or mighty warriors), which connotates with the ancient Kiratis.